
The Big Apple Association


(as adopted, with revisions, at the 2008 Annual General Meeting)

1.       Name:

The organisation shall be called The Big Apple Association.

2.       Objects:

The objects of the Association shall be:

i.          To promote interest in English Apples and Cider, celebrating all aspects of apples and orchards

ii.         To encourage visitors and local residents to understand and enjoy the rural heritage of the Marcle Ridge parishes in all their diversity

iii.        To offer the opportunity to local community organisations to raise money through activities associated with the Big Apple Association

iv.        To encourage steps to conserve the orchard landscape in the Marcle Ridge parishes and to maintain the diversity of varieties grown

3.      Administration

Subject to the matters set out below the Association shall be administered and managed in accordance with this Constitution by members of the Executive Committee constituted by Clause 5 of this Constitution.

4.       Membership:

a)         Full membership shall be open to any person, organisation or enterprise in the area of the Parishes of Aylton, Little Marcle, Much Marcle, Munsley, Pixley, Putley and Woolhope being in sympathy with the objects of the Association.

b)         Associate membership can be offered to any other interested party, but will not carry voting rights.

c)         The subscription of individual membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee

d)         The affiliation fees of local organisations and commercial enterprises shall be determined by the Executive Committee

e)         The fees for associate membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee

f)          The Executive Committee shall have the right to refuse any application for membership.

g)         A list of members will be held by the Secretary of the Association.

5.       Executive Committee:

The business of the Association shall be carried on by the Executive Committee which shall be formed as follows:

i)          One representative for each of the 7 parishes in the Marcle Ridge, elected at the Annual General Meeting

ii)          Three further representatives elected at the Annual General Meeting

iii)         The Committee may co-opt a further three members for any specific purpose.

6.       Powers

In furtherance of the objects of the Association the Executive Committee may exercise the following powers:

  • power to raise funds and to invite and receive grants, donations and other contributions;
  • power to buy or lease and to maintain any equipment or materials necessary for the achievement of the objects;
  • power to buy, take on lease or in exchange, hire any property necessary for the achievement of the objects and to maintain and equip it for use;
  • power to sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Association;
  • power to employ such paid workers (who shall not be members of the Committee) as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objects and to make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of pensions and superannuation for paid workers and their dependents;
  • power to publish books, periodicals, pamphlets and other materials in printed, recorded or electronic format, and to hold intellectual property rights in any such material;
  • power to organise conferences, debates, seminars and such other special events as the Committee may determine;
  • power to co-operate with other organisations in furtherance of any of the objects or of similar purposes;
  • Power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.

7.       Quorum

There shall be a quorum when five elected members are present.  Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all resolutions adopted and all business transactions by the committee shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of the committee members present at a meeting, with each committee member to have one vote.  In the event of a tied vote, the Chair of the meeting for the time being will have an additional casting vote.

8.       Conduct of meetings:

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for making rules for the conduct of its own business and that of the General Meeting.

9.       General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually in the month of January, or within the following fifteen months, for the following purposes:

i)          Election of: a) President; b) Vice Presidents; c) Members of the Executive Committee; d) Chairman; e) Vice-Chairman; f) Secretary; g) Treasurer

ii)         Presentation of Accounts

iii)        Appointment of Auditor

Fourteen days notice is required to call a General Meeting of the Association.

10.     Amendments to the Constitution:

This Constitution may be amended by a resolution passed by not less than one-third of Full Members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.  Notice of any proposed alteration must reach the Secretary not less than fourteen days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Where the alteration involves a change to Clause 2 (“The Objects”) or to this Clause, or to Clause 11 (“Dissolution”) at least twenty-one (21) days prior notice must be given to all Members.

11.     Dissolution:

If upon winding up or dissolution of The Big Apple Association there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts any assets whatsoever the same shall be divided and half give to a Charitable Institution having similar objects to that of The Big Apple Association and the remainder divided between Much Marcle, Putley and Woolhope Parish Halls and Munsley WI Hall.


Current office holders

President: Jenny Dereham

Chairman:  Stephen Swaithes
Vice Chairman: Norman Stanier
Secretary: Jackie Denman
Treasurer:  Mary Fielding